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The Quarantine Chronicles: Chapter 1

Hello, everyone. Sylvia here, welcoming you to the first chapter of Quarantine Chronicles. Today, EvieFawn and I will be sharing some quarantine experiences that we, along with others have experienced. Not only with we be sharing some information about ourselves, but give you some insight on what isolation does to you...

Conversations/Strange sights: During my time in quarantine, I have seen and experienced a few strange happenings... some more normal than others. Here are some of those.

- a women carrying around a chicken like a football

- dreaming about a man in an Indian headdress driving a truck

- having conversations about beating a woman (in a race)

- adopting a stray cat

- someone sent me automated messages about cats while pretending to be a robot

- sending people old pictures of your hair

- people whispering, asking if stores have any toilet paper

- taking silly pictures outside with nature

- wanting cheese and there being none in stores

- actually wanting to get out of the house

- forgetting what day it is

- forgetting where your laptop is when it's right in front of you

- parkway being practically empty

- making memes with pictures that relate to absolutely nothing

- seeing a Shrek truck downtown

- enjoying time away from everyone but wanting some social interaction

If you have any questions, whether serious, nonchalant, or outright crazy, Evie and I would love to answer them! Interested? Send your questions to

During these hard, chaotic times, I encourage you to lean on the Lord and look to Him for strength, peace, and guidance. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4


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